Analyzing a Traffic Ticket

Written By: Benjamin Goldman, Esq.

Traffic tickets contain a vast amount of information. For the case to proceed, any ticket must meet a certain standard of facial sufficiency. Should the specific ticket fail to do so, an argument for dismissal can be made.

Our attorneys and paralegals analyze many traffic tickets every day. Before any conferences or motions are scheduled, every ticket is scrutinized for facial sufficiency. The Benjamin Goldman Law Office has made successful dismissal arguments for all kinds of errors.

Recently, we got a ticket dismissed due to an incorrect return date in Elizabethtown Town Court. Pursuant to CPL ยง150.10 (1), an appearance ticket must have directives for the defendant to appear in a designated court at a set future time. In our case, the ticket directed the defendant to appear in court on a date which the town court was not scheduled to be in session. This issue was never solved by the issuance of a proper ticket. We were able to successfully argue for dismissal on those points.

An experienced office understands what to look for and which arguments to make. Call us today for a free consultation.

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Disclaimer: All the content of this website has been prepared by Benjamin Goldman Law Office PC for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this website shall not be construed as an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create, nor shall the receipt of such information constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Our hope is that you will find the information useful and informative, and we would be happy to communicate with you and answer any questions you may have about our legal services. Readers should not act upon the information on this website, or decide not to act based upon the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional counsel from an attorney licensed in the home state of the drivers license of the person who received the relevant traffic citation.