Published on 2/5/13
The term “roadside reduction” refers to a situation where a police officer initiates a traffic stop for a purported traffic violation but then tells you they will cite you with a lower level violation. In other words, the officer reduces the violation on the side of the road.
This manifests itself in several different ways:
When a motorist receives a roadside reduction to a ticket for something that does not appear on a driving record at all, then it probably makes to simply plead guilty to the charge. It does not make sense to fight a charge or hire an attorney to fight a charge that amounts to or is literally a parking ticket.
However, when you get a reduction to something that has points or will appear on your driving record then it makes sense to look into fighting the charge.As a traffic ticket defense firm, we are very often faced with a situation where a motorist reaches out to us after already having received a roadside reduction. There is nothing wrong with this. There is no reason to have points on your license if they can be avoided.
The two impediments to getting another reduction are the officers and the prosecutors. Often police officers take it as a personal affront if you plead Not Guilty to a charge that they already reduced. Sometimes officers tell motorists that they will issue a ticket for the original charge if you dispute the ticket. Hiring an attorney takes most of the air out of this threat. A traffic ticket must be issued to you personally. If you hire a law firm, your attorney can go to court instead of you, thereby mostly avoiding the risk of the officer issuing another ticket. If you live far away from where you got the ticket, you have little to worry that the officer will travel to your house, look for you, and then charge you with a more serious traffic violation.
The prosecutor is the second impediment. Often prosecutors are not inclined to issue a plea bargain offer after a roadside reduction. The attorneys at the Benjamin Goldman Law Office do not let this get in our way. Our position is that we only deal with the charge that we have, not what the officer claims they could have charged. We do not know the reason for the alleged roadside reduction. For all we know, the reason for the reduction was that the officer was not certain of the guilt of the defendant. We put the prosecutor’s officer in a position where they will have to conduct a trial unless they provide a further plea offer. Prosecutors generally do not conduct a trial without presenting a plea offer. The attorneys at the Benjamin Goldman Law Office take trials very seriously and we will appeal and adverse ruling inconsistent with the law.
If you received a ticket that appears to be a roadside reduction, feel free to contact the Benjamin Goldman Law Office for a free consultation. We will review the charges and advise what makes sense for your specific circumstances. Often it makes sense to plead guilty and often it makes no sense to plead guilty. Often the charges can still be dismissed and often it is a tough court battle to obtain a further reduction. No two situations are the same, which is why it makes sense to consult with an experienced traffic lawyer before you take action with regards to your traffic ticket.
The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket law firm. We help motorists across the state, including in Western New York, North Country, Long Island, Mohawk Valley, Central New York, Hudson Valley, Capital District, New York City Metropolitan Area, Finger Lakes, Catskill Mountains, and the Southern Tier region. Our firm provides all motorists with free consultations and can be reached by phone call, text message, or email.
Disclaimer: All the content of this website has been prepared by Benjamin Goldman Law Office PC for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this website shall not be construed as an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create, nor shall the receipt of such information constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Our hope is that you will find the information useful and informative, and we would be happy to communicate with you and answer any questions you may have about our legal services. Readers should not act upon the information on this website, or decide not to act based upon the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional counsel from an attorney licensed in the home state of the drivers license of the person who received the relevant traffic citation.